NOTE: This is an original page of the CDPP website, preserved for historical reasons.
Going forward with the Sport England ‘Inspired’ bid are a number of informative documents and letters of support by partnership members and other bodies. For a broad and informative insight to how the Hubs success will impact on many of Pendle’s clubs, schools and organisations please click on the links.
British Cycling President and local cyclist Brian Cookson is supportive of the project and stated that “it is just the sort of facility that is needed if we are to build on the enthusiasm that has been generated by the Olympics. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get our young people involved in sport, and this circuit will provide a safe and secure way of encouraging generations of Pendle youngsters to take up healthy lifestyles. Local Olympic Gold Medallist Steven Burke is a superb role model for our youngsters and this facility will ensure that the legacy of 2012 will help those who aspire to be the Olympians of the future.”
Thank you
A special word of thanks should be extended to Borough officers Tricia Wilson, Engineers and special projects and Kieron Roberts, Parks and recreation. Tricia as been the bid co-ordinator and has worked tirelessly with the help of Kieran to bring together an impressive submission. Thanks to for the support and commitment from Cycle Sport Pendle (CSP) who have given real purpose to the vision, now reinforced by the formation of CDPP and all clubs and organisations in the partnership.
Thank you to all and everyone involved with the bid.
Letters of Support
Letter of support from CSP, Neil Welsh
Letter of support from PF, Paul Whittaker
Letter of support from Burnley and Pendle CTC
Letter of support from Clitheroe Bike Club, Richard Paige
Letter of support from Nelson Wheelers, Steve Wilkinson
Letter of support from Clayton Velo, Alan Roper
Letter of support from GoVelo, Kirsti Grayson
Letter of support from Hope Technology, Ian Weatherall and Simon Sharp
Letter of support from Pendle Vale Sports College, Head, Steve Wilson
Letter of support from Pendle Vale Cycling Co-ordinator, Adam Blakeley
Letter from Lancashire Sport Partnership, Mark Stephenson
Letter from Pendle Leisure Trust, Clive Escreet
Letter from Lancashire County Council, Alasdair Simpson
Letter from Pennine Events, Mark Sandamas
Letter from Pendle School Sport Partnership, Neil Stewart
Letter from Nelson and Colne College, Alison Rushton
Other Documents
Supporting Telegraph article 1 – this is about getting children onto bikes